How to add locally stored video to DJ-MediaTools

How to add locally stored video to DJ-MediaTools

You can display .mp4 format video from any server providing it’s URL. This is an addition to cloud stored videos (YouTube, Vimeo, Liveleak, DailyMotion, Yahoo!Movies)

It’s easy as pasting an URL of the video in Video Link section in custom item view in DJ-MediaTools.

Adding Video to the custom item in DJ-MediaTools Album

To add an item with video to the Album in Joomla’s backend go to Components → DJ-MediaTools → Items → New
Choose your Album where you want to publish the slide and in new Item submission view just paste the url to the video in “Video link” (1) section and it’ll automatically load the preview + add the title for the slide/item (2). If you do not want to use a default placeholder for video you can add yours in “Item image” section (3).


Now Save the item and it’ll be visible in the album on frontend


To create custom item/slide with locally stored video you have two options of doing so.

1) You can: Upload the video file to your server.

You can use FTP client. To do so, simply login to ftp to your server, navigate to place where you want to upload the video file. In our example I’ll just use the /Videos folder I made in /images folder.


Once the video is uploaded you can find it under: so the url of my video is:

2) Upload the video using media manager built in Joomla

You can use the built-in media manager that comes with Joomla.
First make sure you’ve allowed .mp4 files to be uploaded by Joomla. In Joomla backend go to: Content → Media


then click “Options”


and in the options add mp4 as the legal extension (1) and Save and Close the changes (2)


Now create new folder (1) and call it “Videos” (2) then click “Create Folder” (3). This will create the “Videos” folder under /images folder in your Joomla installation.


Now click the “Videos” folder and in this view click “Upload” (1) choose the video you have on your disk (2) and click “Start Upload” (3)


Once uploaded you’ll see the video file on the list


The video is now available under: .

Notice: Even though the location is same for both uploads (ftp and using the media manager from Joomla) the file’s urls are slightly different as Joomla changes the spaces to “-” character.

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