How to import/export presets in DJ-MediaTools?

How to import/export presets in DJ-MediaTools?

Presets are a handy DJ-MediaTools feature, allowing users to save and re-use their album settings. 

Presets can also be saved and exported into files. Thanks to this option, users can import saved presets and use them on different Joomla installations with the DJ-MediaTools extension.

We will show you now how to export, and import presets.

Open the DJ-MediaTools component and go to “Presets” (in the left column).

That is the main view of preset settings here:

These are only settings needed for “Save,” “Import,” and “Export.” All preset settings are available below these options. 

We’ve already described how the presets work. You can learn more from the tutorial.

Export presets

If you have already configured all settings, you can save the preset.

Type the present name and click the “Create new” button. For our example, we use the “Test” preset name.

Now the “Test” preset is available on the list of presets. There are three options to use:
  1. Save
  2. Download
  3. Remove
If you want to export the preset, you need to use the “download” button. The preset will be saved as the “.json” file on your drive.

Import presets

If you want to import and preset, use the “import preset” option.  

Click “Select file” upload the preset file in the “.json” format and click the import button.

You should see “Success” information at the end of the process. That’s all. All settings configured for a chosen preset should be imported along with the file.

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