Using coupon generator?

Using coupon generator?

The Coupon generator feature allows adding any number of discount coupons at once.

Open the DJ-Catalog2 control panel and go to “coupons.”

There is a new button available - “generate coupons.”

How the button works?

There are several settings to configure:
  1. Several coupons - set the number of coupons.
  2. Description - the coupon description appears after the user has entered the code on the front page.
  3. Discount type - percent / amount
  4. Discount value - set the value.
  5. Restrict reuse - restriction on reuse
  6. Restrict limit - set the limit
  7. Restrict reuse per user - restriction on reuse by the same user
  8. Restrict limit per user - set the limit.
  9. Assign to product - specify which product or category it applies
  10. Category restriction - set the restricted category.
  11. Excluded product IDs
  12. Assign to the user - set the specific user.
  13. Published - yes/no
  14. Start date - valid from the date
  15. Expired date - valid to date

After setting all data, use the "Generate" button. It generates a coupon list, which later appears in the panel as in the example below:

If you don't want to use the Coupons functionality, you can disable them in the DJ-Catalog2 control panel.

Go to DJ-Catalog2 "Options." Choose the "Cart" tab, scroll down to "Shopping cart settings," and disable coupons.

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