Watermarks in DJ-Catalog2

Watermarks in DJ-Catalog2

This feature allows you to add watermarks to the images from DJ-Catalog2.
The setting responsible for this can be found in: Components -> DJ-Catalog2 -> Options -> Image Processing tab -> Watermark settings section

  1. - set it watermarks should be used
  2. - select watermark image
  3. - set watermark size
  4. - set horizontal watermark position
  5. - set vertical watermark position
IMPORTANT: Remember to use a transparent .png file for watermarks!

After you set it, click “Save.”
Now all new images that will be added to DJ-Catalog2 will have watermarks.
If you want to add the watermark to images that you already have in products:
Go to: Components -> DJ-Catalog2 -> Images Manager
Here you can recreate all images you select

Here you can proceed to apply changes to the images (in our case, we’ll be applying watermarks):
  1. - click to add watermarks to all images
  2. - click to add watermarks to product images only
  3. - click to add watermarks to category images only
  4. - click to add watermarks to producer images only
  5. - here, you can decide from which ID the processing will go
  6. - delete cached images
  7. - progress bar
When you click one of the 1/2/3/4 buttons, the processing will begin, and you’ll see 100% on the progress bar once it’s ready.
That’s it - images were recreated and got the watermarks.
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