Products - dynamic content

Products - dynamic content

Products -  dynamic content is recommended for yootheme multiple items elements.

Advanced options

This dynamic content has additional advanced options that can be set:

  1. start - set the starting point for the products list,
  2. quantity - set the number of products that will be displayed,
  3. limit by categories - select categories from which products should be displayed,
  4. limit by ids - select ids of products that should be displayed. Provide ids by comma delimiter,
  5. limit by producers - select producers, from which products should be displayed,
  6. order by - select the order for products list (default, name, price, date, modify date, visits, random, best selling, rating),
  7. order direction - select the direction for order (ascending or descending),
  8. featured only - show only products that are featured,
  9. recently viewed - show only products recently viewed by the user,
  10. only related products - show only related products. By selecting this option, additional options will be available:
    1. actually marked as related - show actually marked as related products,
    2. same category - show products from the same category,
    3. same producer - show products from the same producer,
    4. same category and producer - show products from the same category and producer.
We suggest using the `Only related products` option in a single product view.

Dynamic content attributes

Products - dynamic content attributes has 7 different groups.

Please note that the display of attributes depends on the selected options of the Dj-Catalog2 component. If an attribute is disabled in the component settings, such an attribute will not be displayed.


The product group has commonly used attributes.

  1. product id - product's id
  2. name - product's name
  3. intro description - product's intro description,
  4. description - product's full description,
  5. alias - product's alias,
  6. published - date of product publish,
  7. created - date of product creation,
  8. modified - date of product modification,
  9. image (original) - product's image with original size,
  10. image (large) - product's image with large size,
  11. image (medium) - product's image with medium size,
  12. sku - product's sku,
  13. hits - product's hits,
  14. onstock - integer value responding for product's on stock option (0 = no, 1 = yes, 2 = always/always including combinations),
  15. stock - stock value (integer),
  16. available - integer value responding for product's availability (0 = unavailable, 1 = available),
  17. information about availability - product's availability information,
  18. address - product's address,
  19. city - product's city,
  20. postcode - product's postcode,
  21. country - product's country,
  22. state - product's state,
  23. phone - product's phone,
  24. mobile - product's mobile,
  25. fax - product's fax,
  26. website - product's website,
  27. email - product's email,
  28. weight (raw value only) - the weight of product without unit,
  29. weight unit - product's weight unit,
  30. dimensions unit - product's dimensions unit,
  31. length (raw value only) - the length of the product without unit,
  32. width (raw value only) - the width of the product without unit,
  33. height (raw value only) - the height of the product without unit,
  34. video - product's video,
  35. map localization - product's localization formatted as: 'latitude, longitude. This attribute can be used for the yootheme map element,
  36. reviews amount - product's number of reviews.

Product (prices)

  1. full price (HTML element) - micro layout of product's price. Special price is included,
  2. price (raw value only) - product's price value,
  3. special price (raw value only) -  product's special price value.

  1. link to category - link to product's category,
  2. link to producer - link to product's producer,
  3. link to the product -  link to the product.

Product (category)

  1. category name - product's category name,
  2. category image - product's category image.

Product (HTML elements)

Product HTML elements group consists of attributes that are micro-layouts.

  1. autolabel - renders product's autolabel,
  2. labels - renders product's labels,
  3. information about availability - renders information about availability (micro-layout),
  4. attributes in a list - product's attributes in a list,
  5. attributes in a table - product's attributes in a table,
  6. cart - cart layout for product,
  7. sections - product's sections,
  8. customisations - product customization HTML micro-layout,
  9. related products - product's related products micro-layout,
  10. localization with map - product's location with map micro-layout,
  11. print button - displays a button that allows printing,
  12. ask about this product (button) - displays a button that shows "ask about this product" form after click,
  13. ask about this product - displays an "ask about this product" form,
  14. add to compare (checkbox) - displays a checkbox that allows selecting product to compare. 
  15. files - displays product's attachments layout,
  16. rating - displays product's rating,
  17. vote - displays vote form for the product,
  18. reviews -  displays product's reviews.

Product (producer)

  1. producer (Html element) - displays product's producer micro-layout,
  2. producer name - displays product's producer name,
  3. producer image - displays product's producer image.


  1. name - product's author name,
  2. username - product's author username,
  3. email - product's author email,
  4. registered - product's author-date registration,
  5. last visit date - product's author last visit date,
  6. link -  link to product's author contact view.

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