Query Cart history for registered users

Query Cart history for registered users

Registered users can now see a list of their queries. There’s a new view available that can be available for registered users to add to the User (or any other) Menu.

The new View is available by adding a new item to the menu.
  1. In Joomla backend go to: Menus -> [MenuOfYourChoice] -> Add New Menu Item
  2. In the new window, Menus: New Type, click Select in Menu Item Type section and choose accordingly: DJ-Catalog2 -> User Questions.
  3. Now give a title to your new menu item, set access, and save by clicking Save in the top bar.
Once this is done, your users will see a new menu item in their User menu:

Once clicked, the user will see a list of all queries he made to the site:

When a user clicks the date, he can then see details of the query he made:

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