Show maps on click instead of loading it every time

Show maps on click instead of loading it every time

This feature will make the site faster, less bandwidth-consuming, and reducing requests.

How to enable this feature?

Go to DJ-Classifieds Options and scroll down to Maps & Location settings and set the "Map img on start" parameter to "Yes" and save the settings.

What does it do?

Now the map in the advert's details will not be loaded automatically every time a visitor comes to it. If a user wants to check the map, it's sufficient to click the "Show map" button and plan will be loaded.

How to change the maps image?

You can replace the default image of the map by uploading it to [yourdomain]/components/com_djclassifieds/assets/images/map_blank.png

What are the benefits of enabling this feature?

  1. Faster loading of the adverts details page - we have noticed a drastic change in loading when the Maps are not loaded by default (3.06 sec was reduced to 1.72 sec load time! It's almost two times faster! Of course, it all depends on the location of the user and how the servers operate at the time, but you're reducing calls to the server on load which can impact loading much),
  2. reduced number of HTTP requests,
  3. reduction of Google Maps API requests.
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