Support in advert details for microdata tags from

Support in advert details for microdata tags from

Microdata is a part of the “WHATWG HTML Standard.” It's used to nest the metadata within the content on web pages, allowing the search engines, web crawlers, and browsers to extract and process Microdata from a web page and provide a better browsing experience.

The Microdata uses a supporting vocabulary to assign specified values to item attributes. Google and other search engines support vocabulary. comes with a standard set of type names/property names and commonly used markup vocabularies.

We’ve added the following tags for DJ-Classifieds advert details:
  1. Name
  2. Description
  3. Price
  4. Website
  5. Images
Additionally, the author name tag was added in the offer seller view.
These tags (basing on were added to the individual elements of the advertisement page. It means that the correct standards used by Google have been maintained.

Added Support for microdata tags does not require any action from the admin or website user; this feature is added to the component's core.

You can use the Structured Data Testing Tool to check how it works in practice. The test requires adding a link to the single ad. As a result, we receive a report, similar to the example below.

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